The new issue of Polish American Studies (vol. 72, no. 1) is here!
In Memoriam section includes obituaries of Professor Victor R. Greene and Reverend Leonard F. Chrobot, who both contributed to the development of Polish American history as a discipline.
In the Editor's Note, Professor James S. Pula comments on his thirty years of editorship of Polish American Studies, as he steps down from this position.
In his article "Troubles with 'Mela': A Polish-American Reporter, the Secret Services of People's Poland, and the FBI," Pawel Zietara reveals the Communist authorities' attempts at infiltration of American Polonia in the 1950s and 60s. The article is based on the research in declassified records of Poland's intelligence and security structures.
Robert Szymczak in his article: "Cold War Airwaves: The Polish American Congress and the Justice for Poland Campaign" highlights the activities and impact of the popular radio program initiated by the Western Massachusetts Division of PAC in 1945 in order to present the plight of Poland and the region in the wake of the betrayal at Yalta.
Patricia B. Yocum in "Leaving Kozuchow, a Village in Bobrzechow Parish, Galicia," presents an analysis of Polish population who left the same area in the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, in order to extend our understanding of migration from rural Galicia.
Thomas J. Napierkowski in the article "The Khaki Boys Series: Images of Polish Americans, 1918-1920," discusses a collection of six novels aimed at adolescent audience and published in the United States following World War I. The novels perpetuated hurtful stereotypes of Polish Americans, which were then present in popular culture.
Two books reviewed in this issue of Polish American Studies deal with the goral culture in America and the intellectual contributions of Professor Piotr Wandycz.
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The Polish American Historical Association's interdisciplinary refereed scholarly journal (ISSN 0032-2806; eISSN 2330-0833) has been published continuously since 1944. It appears biannually and is available world-wide through JSTOR, a database of full-text research journals. PAS is indexed in America: History and Life; American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies; ATLA Catholic Periodical and Literature Index;Bibliographic Index; Current Abstracts; Historical Abstracts; MLA International Bibliography; PIO - Periodical Index Online; PubMed; and TOC Premier. The journal is also ranked by the Polish Ministry of Science and Education. To subscribe and for more information please go to
The editors welcome scholarship including articles, edited documents, bibliographies and related materials dealing with all aspects of the history and culture of Poles in the Western Hemisphere. They particularly welcome contributions that place the Polish experience in historical and comparative perspective by examining its relationship to other ethnic experiences. Contributions from any discipline in the humanities and social sciences are welcome. The Swastek Prize is awarded annually for the best article published in a given volume of Polish American Studies.
ARTICLES: Manuscripts or inquiries should be submitted in Microsoft Word via e-mail attachment to the editor, Anna D. Jaroszyńska-Kirchmann, Manuscripts are evaluated based on their originality; relevance to the mission of the journal; the clarity of the thesis, presentation and conclusions; and the depth of research based upon the nature of the sources cited. Contributors whose first language is not English should have their work reviewed for clarity prior to submission. The journal employs a "double-blind" review process with each submission being read by a minimum of two reviewers, and usually three. Comments of the reviewers are summarized by the editors and provided to the authors.
BOOKS FOR REVIEW: Books for review should be sent to Mary Patrice Erdmans (English language) or Anna Mazurkiewicz (Polish language) at the addresses below. Books may be submitted by publishers or authors. Submission is no guarantee that books will be reviewed and books will not be returned.
BOOKS FOR REVIEW: Books for review should be sent to Mary Patrice Erdmans (English language) or Anna Mazurkiewicz (Polish language) at the addresses below. Books may be submitted by publishers or authors. Submission is no guarantee that books will be reviewed and books will not be returned.
Mary Patrice Erdmans Book Review Editor Polish American Studies Department of Sociology 10900 Euclid Avenue Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, OH 44106 | Anna Mazurkiewicz Book Review Editor for Poland Polish American Studies University of Gdansk Faculty of History ul. Wita Stwosza 55 80-952 Gdańsk, Poland |
- Editor: Anna D. Jaroszyńska-Kirchmann, Eastern Connecticut State University,
- Book Review Editor: Mary Patrice Erdmans, Case Western Reserve University,
- Book Review Editor for Poland: Anna Mazurkiewicz, University of Gdansk, Poland,
- M. B. B. Biskupski, Central Connecticut State University
- Tobias Brinkmann, Pennsylvania State University
- John J. Bukowczyk, Wayne State University
- William J. Galush, Loyola University Chicago
- Ann Hetzel Gunkel, Columbia College Chicago
- Gabriela Pawlus Kasprzak, University of Toronto, Canada
- Grazyna Kozaczka, Cazenovia College
- Karen Majewski, University of Michigan
- Thomas J. Napierkowski, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
- Neal Pease, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
- Angela Pienkos, Polish Center Wisconsin
- James S. Pula, Purdue University
- John Radzilowski, University of Alaska - Southeast
- Francis D. Raska, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
- Dariusz Stola, Museum of the History of Polish Jews, Warsaw, Poland
- Adam Walaszek, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
- Joanna Wojdon, University of Wroclaw, Poland