Saturday, March 1, 2014

Apply for PAHA's Graduate Student Research Paper Award by April 15

The Polish American Historical Association announces the call for nominations and applications for the Graduate Student Research Paper Award.

The Graduate Student Research Paper Award recognizes a substantial original research paper on Polish-American history and culture produced by a young scholar in the humanities or social sciences.

A paper should be sent via e-mail to: anna.a.mazurkiewicz [at] before April 15th, 2014.

In addition to the recognition and paper publication offer from the interdisciplinary, refereed scholarly journal The Polish American Studies, the winner will receive a $1000 travel grant to present the paper at the PAHA 2015 Annual Meeting (January 2-5, New York). The conference is held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the American Historical Association.

The candidate for the award must be a graduate student at the time of the application or nomination. In addition to the paper (up to 25 pages, 1.5 spaced, Times New Roman 12) any submission must contain: graduate student's short biographic note, 250-word abstract, and one letter of reference. The results will be announced by May 15, 2014.


2013 – Two Awards Given - Marta Cieślak and Piotr Derengowski

1: Marta Cieślak (Transnational Studies Department, SUNY at Buffalo), "Crossing the Boundaries of Modernity: The Transatlantic Journey of Polish Peasants to the United States"

2: Piotr Derengowski (Department of History, University of Gdansk, Poland), "Capt. Alexander Raszewski's Polish Legion and Other Less Known Polish Troops in the Union Army During the American Civil War" 

2008 – Michael T. Urbanski

In 2008, PAHA recognized Michael Urbanski (Central Connecticut State University) for the paper entitled: "Polite Avoidance: The Story of the Closing of Alliance College," which was subsequently published in the Polish American Studies, Vol. 66, No. 1 (Spring, 2009), pp. 25-42. This paper focuses on the history and controversial closing of the Polish National Alliance’s College in Cambridge Springs Pennsylvania.

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